Sunday 31 December 2006

Two weeks

It has been a little over two weeks since my accident and I am finally able to type reasonably again with two hands. It is still painful to lift my arm in front of me, though. Luckily, my primary keyboard is at the level of my armrests.
The keyboard for my laptop is positioned a bit higher and a bit further away and although I can reach it, it causes some pain.
Lifting my arm sideways is still nearly impossible; about 40 degrees is the maximum before the pain becomes too much.

Lifting arms, however, is one thing; applying any force with them is quite something else. It is surprising how much force normal, everyday movements require (such as pulling up your trousers) and how difficult they become when exercising that force is impossible because of the pain it causes.

As for work, I am contemplating returning a day or so earlier to get back in the
rhythm. I am getting a bit bored at home. There is only so much movies you can watch and books you can read before boredom sets in.

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