Monday 29 October 2007

LastFM cheats big time

Earlier this week, after a refresh of my LastFM homepage, I saw my scrobble count reduced from 6555 to 62-hundred-and-something. At first I thought is was just a glitch since I had experienced something similar before, around the end of the week when the weekly charts are compiled. In those cases, the scrobble count got fixed after a few hours. However, this time the count never got fixed.

After some time, I got my scrobble count up to 6543 again. That was last night. Since then, I guess I played about a dozen tracks more before I went off to bed. Today, this evening, before refreshing again, I took a screenshot of my scrobble count, expecting the count after the refresh to be something around 6560, take or leave some. I refreshed, and lo and behold, my scrobble count was reduced to 6294! LastFM definitely cheats on its users.

At 2007-10-28, sometime in the evening:

At 2007-10-29, around 2015:

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